Teachers favourite apps are the topic of our blog post today!

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that the teaching landscape has evolved, and so have the tools we use. Gone are the days of relying solely on blackboards and paper handouts—today’s classrooms are buzzing with the sounds of taps and clicks as digital tools take center stage.

But let’s face it, the app stores are jam-packed, and it’s easy to get lost in the maze of educational apps, each promising to be the next big thing. That’s why I’ve sifted through the digital haystack to bring you a curated list of teacher-approved apps that are actually worth your time.

These aren’t just shiny novelties; they’re practical solutions designed to solve real classroom challenges, from lesson planning to student engagement and communication with parents.

Apps for Fostering Students’ Creativity


Canva is a graphic design tool that simplifies the creation process, making it accessible for students of all ages. With pre-designed templates and drag-and-drop functionality, Canva empowers students to create everything from presentations and infographics to digital art. It’s a fantastic resource for integrating visual literacy into the classroom while giving students the freedom to express their creativity.

Stop Motion Studio

Stop Motion Studio brings the art of stop-motion animation right into the classroom. The app is incredibly user-friendly, allowing students to create their own animated movies with ease. Whether it’s a history project or a science experiment, Stop Motion Studio offers a creative way to capture and present learning.

Doodle Buddy

Doodle Buddy is a drawing and painting app that encourages students to let their creativity run wild. With a variety of brushes, stamps, and stencils, it provides a digital canvas for artistic expression. It’s a great tool for free drawing but can also be used to annotate pictures and create diagrams, making it versatile for various classroom activities.

Paper by WeTransfer

Paper by WeTransfer is a sketching app designed to emulate the feel of drawing on paper. It offers a range of tools for doodling, sketching, and coloring, and is fantastic for everything from artistic projects to mind mapping and visual note-taking. The app encourages creative thinking and offers a digital space for students to capture their ideas visually.

Apps for Communicating with Parents and Students


ClassDojo is an all-in-one classroom management app that facilitates communication between teachers, students, and parents. It allows teachers to share class updates, student portfolios, and even behavior tracking with parents. The real-time interaction and ease of use make it a popular choice for maintaining an open line of communication.


Remind offers a secure, efficient way for teachers to send out announcements and reminders. Whether it’s homework deadlines, upcoming tests, or field trips, the app ensures that both parents and students are in the loop. The ability to send messages to individuals or groups adds a layer of customization.


Seesaw is a student engagement platform that doubles as a communication tool. Teachers can assign activities, and students can submit their work, which can then be shared with parents. It offers a holistic view of student progress, helping parents stay engaged in their child’s educational journey.

Apps to Create Digital Quizzes


Quizlet is a versatile study tool that goes beyond simple quiz creation. It offers various formats like flashcards, games, and even live quiz competitions. Teachers can create custom study sets or choose from a vast library of pre-made options, making it an excellent resource for both instruction and review.


Quizizz offers a gamified quiz experience that can be conducted live or assigned as homework. With features like leaderboards, customizable memes, and timed questions, it adds an element of excitement to assessments. The app also provides analytics to help teachers gauge student understanding.


Quizalize takes quizzes to the next level by offering detailed analytics and classroom management tools. It enables teachers to assign quizzes and then analyze the results to identify learning gaps. The data-driven insights make it invaluable for tailoring instruction to individual needs.

Google Forms

Google Forms provides a straightforward, no-frills platform for creating quizzes. While it may not have the gamified aspects of other apps, it’s incredibly versatile, allowing for a range of question types and automatic grading. It’s ideal for teachers who want a simple, efficient tool for assessments.

Apps for Lesson Planning


Planboard streamlines lesson planning by offering a centralized platform where teachers can outline lessons, align them with standards, and even share them with colleagues. Its easy-to-use interface makes it simple to organize your teaching week, track curriculum standards, and collaborate with team members.

Common Curriculum

Common Curriculum is another robust lesson planning tool that offers customizable templates, curriculum tracking, and collaboration features. It’s an excellent resource for teachers who are looking to align their lesson plans with state standards while easily sharing plans with administrators or colleagues.


TeacherKit is a comprehensive classroom management app that also offers robust lesson planning features. Along with tracking student behavior and attendance, the app lets you plan lessons, manage timetables, and document student progress, making it a multifaceted tool for educators.

Final thoughts

And there we have it—our journey through the digital corridors of today’s teaching toolbox is coming to a close. But remember, this is just the starting point; the apps we’ve delved into are more than just shortcuts or novelties. They’re catalysts for change, designed to elevate your teaching and enhance student engagement in ways that old-school methods can’t quite match.

So, go ahead and experiment, integrate these apps into your routines, and see how they can transform your classroom dynamics. After all, being an educator is all about lifelong learning, right? Let’s embrace these digital wonders as we continue to evolve and adapt in the ever-changing educational landscape. Wishing you all the success in your tech-enhanced teaching adventures!

The post Teachers Favourite Apps appeared first on Educators Technology.